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Creating a better future with Begad Nasser, Doctoorum

Creating a better future with Begad Nasser, Doctoorum

Begad Nasser, Founder of Doctoorum while conversing with The Strategic View highlighted how they are providing digital medical assistance to patients globally.

1. What led you to create ‘Doctoorum’? When was it founded?

We founded the digital medical tourism marketplace in 2019. Aiming to help better connect international patients with medical providers.

2. What is the core service/solution you are providing? What pain points are you targeting and what is the key differentiating factor from similar offerings?

Doctoorum connects patients from all over the world with the best medical providers in Egypt. Also, assist in booking and planning the medical journey in simple steps. Visitors to our platform can shop and find all the information related to their medical travel including costs of treatments. Also, upload medical reports and get online consultations in one place.

3. What are the parameters to measure client satisfaction?

Feedback from international patients and medical providers.

4. What is your future outlook and what will you achieve by next year?

We are looking to increase the number of international patients coming to Egypt, and also expand to provide our services to other countries in the region.

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